Sabtu, 05 April 2014

History of SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara

History of SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara

A Brief History of the founding of SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara
On March 13, 1971 , by decree of District Head Level II Banjarnegara , (signed Regional Secretary : Zaelani ) , founder of the committee formed STM Preparation Banjarnegara State .
Term changes into the STM STM Preparation State Government by Chief Dep . P and K of the Province of Central Java No . PPT/457/1/72 dated February 15, 1972 . Government STM name
Banjarnegara has been officially recognized by the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Level 1 Central Java , namely the number Letter No. Charter . 123/77/STM applicable as a decree re-registration of private vocational schools throughout Central Java ( Principal : R. Slamet MT , BE and Wakasek : M. Noor Cholis , BA ) .
After STM local government , in 1979 boosted by SK District Head Level II Banjarnegara ( Drs. Soewadji ) , No. . Huk MB1/155/5 , date : January 19, 1979 , on the Determination STM STM Banjarnegara into Local Government District of Banjarnegara..

This year, the State Committee for Preparation STM Founder (who have been named STM LGs) with elementary Kakanwil Letter No. Department of Education, Central Java Province. 1066/I.03/I.1983, Date. May 19, 1983 which is essentially the local government schools are there so choose alternatives to change the status of a local government school to be: a. School run by the Foundation Pendidikab. Go into the foundation PGRI
At this year on 23 April 1985 Founder Paniti take a positive alternative to establishing a foundation by the name of Education and Technology Foundation of Panca Bhakti listed in the Articles of Association and Article 4 paragraph 1 of Article 5, paragraph 1 (On the intent and purpose of the foundation), with the establishment of Notary Jusuf Indra Tjahja, SH. 5 and at the same time on July 1, 1985, the name officially changed to Banjarnegara Government STM STM Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara (Principal: Drs. Djasri vice principal: Ahmad until 1987 for dies and is succeeded by Agus Supertono, BA).

This year, in respect of the Principal, Drs. Djasri appointed as Chief DPU Banjarnegara regency, then as responsible for the management of teaching and learning, delivered to the post of Principal of Drs. Kuswijaya and vice principal Agus Supartono, BA. Then in 1996 received one vice principal again, namely Drs. Iman Ustaat.
In the STM Panca Banjarnegara , changed its name to SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara until now
SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara always want to improve performance and achieve continuous improvement according to the vision , mission and goals SMK Panca Bhakti . This year SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara start implementing the Quality Management System ISO 9001 : 2008, by providing professional education services for : 1 . Improving Morale and Discipline Student.2 . Improving Knowledge , Skills & Expertise students who can compete Global.3 . Improving teaching and berstrategi.4 structure . Equip them with life skills that are useful in meeting the expectations of stakeholders and peraturanundang - laws by providing infrastructure and providing human resources to technological developments .
On August 8, 2009 Principal of SMK Panca Bhakti there since the turn of Mr Drs.KUSWIJAYA beliu promoted to Supervisor in the Department of Vocational Education, Youth and Sports ( DINDIKPORA ) District. Banjarnegara then replaced by Mr. AGUS SUPARTONO , SH.ST.MM originally as vice principal until now .

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